
Showing posts from August, 2018


1. A 32-year-old patient who weighs 275 lb comes to the doctor’s office. On the surface of the chest, the physician is able to locate the apex of the heart: (A) At the level of the sternal angle (B) In the left fourth intercostal space (C) In the left fifth intercostal space (D) In the right fifth intercostal space (E) At the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum 2. A 43-year-old female patient has been lying down on the hospital bed for more than 4 months. Her normal, quiet expiration is achieved by contraction of which of the following structures? (A) Elastic tissue in the lungs and thoracic wall (B) Serratus posterior superior muscles (C) Pectoralis minor muscles (D) Serratus anterior muscles (E) Diaphragm 3. A 23-year-old man received a gunshot wound, and his greater splanchnic nerve was destroyed. Which of the following nerve fibers would be injured? (A) General somatic afferent (GSA) and preganglionic sympathetic fibers (B) General visc...